Happy Birthday Milka! 💜 .
We are happy and proud to be with Milka and BUZZStore in the 120th anniversary campaign of Milka!
Milka believes in the goodness of people and in tenderness and “He knows that gestures of tenderness will in turn inspire more tenderness. On her birthday, she invites you to make a tender wish. ” on www.dorinte.milka.ro . You can make a wish for yourself or you can help someone else make their wish come true. Nice, isn’t it? 🤗💜
Ingredients for a normal loaf cake.

If you bake this sponge cake in a Bundt mold like I did, you can double the recipe.

Sponge cake with chocolate pralines
- 3 whole eggs
- 150 g caster sugar
- 150 g all purpose flour
- 150 g butter or cake shortening
- 3 tablespoons soda or milk
- 5 g baking powder
- 20 g Vanilla or vanilla sugar
- a pinch of salt
- Mix all ingredients on a high speed 10 minutes.
- Pour in a well greased pan. Add the chocolate pralines.
- Bake in a preheated oven at high heat for 5 minutes and at medium heat for 20 minutes or until it passes the toothpick test.
- Set aside in the pan, for 5 minutes, before turning up.
- Happy baking!

Watch the video for this recipe and don’t forget to Subscribe!
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